PSHE Lead: Martin Thompson

Martin Thompson (1)


Pupils within this pathway explore PSHE throughout their daily routine, as learning is embedded across the entire curriculum. Learners will have opportunities for hands on learning within the classroom environment at their appropriate developmental level, with targeted activities and environments focused around their individual EHCP targets for Social, Emotional and Mental Health, as well as Preparation for Adulthood.


Pupils will also have the opportunity to learn and apply new skills, linked to the Personal, Social and Emotional (making relationships, sense of self and understanding emotions) and Health and Self Care strands of the EYFS curriculum. Learners within this pathway have daily exposure to experiences and activities that will help them to develop early independence and form early relationships, such as identifying simple emotions, basic self-care (hand washing, using a knife and fork), turn taking and play with others. This will enable learners to become familiar and confident with the skills needed to begin more subject-specific learning.


Pupils within this pathway have dedicated PSHE lessons each week, in which students follow the PSHE Association framework. This framework is a comprehensive programme that is broken down into six sections: Self Awareness; Self-care, Support and Safety; Managing Feelings; Changing and Growing; Healthy Lifestyles; The World I Live in.

Along with having specific PSHE lessons built into the curriculum, pupils also have social skills lessons based around understanding themselves and others through activities and games. We embed the thread of self-care and self-awareness across the school day through snack time, within the classroom and play times. Weekly assemblies and focussed Career lessons allow students the opportunity to further develop the skills they have learned in PSHE.


Pupils within this pathway have dedicated PSHE lessons each week, in which students follow the PSHE Association framework. This framework is a comprehensive programme that is broken down into six sections: Self Awareness; Self-care, Support and Safety; Managing Feelings; Changing and Growing; Healthy Lifestyles; The World I Live in.

Subject Documents Date  
PSHE RSE Intent Implementation and Impact 29th Mar 2023 Download
PSHE Curriculum Map 29th Mar 2023 Download

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