In this section...

Information for Parents and Carers

As a parent/carer, you are the most influential person in your child’s life and in the best possible position to support your child as they consider their future; review their options and make choices. Research shows that children look to their parents first when they want career advice. Whilst some young people have a very clear idea of where they see their pathway leading them, others may take a while to decide – you can help by:

  • Starting the conversation
  • Focus on skills, behaviours and attitudes your child will need, rather than specific jobs
  • Talk about goals and what your child finds fulfilling
  • Be open minded and encouraging
  • Talk about what careers experiences your child has had during their school career, (lessons, visits, tutor time, citizenship and assemblies)
  • Be patient as your child’s choices may change
  • Remember it’s your child’s decision on what direction they want to go

We realise it can be challenging to know how to ask the right questions, you may want to start with their interests, skills, abilities, values, and knowledge of the world of work.

Find an Apprenticeship

Find an Apprenticeship - Gov.Uk

Apprenticeships Information

National Careers Service

The National Careers Service is also a good, reliable source of impartial advice and guidance.

National Careers Service

Parent Advisor

Parent Advisor

Career Pilot Parent Zone

Career Pilot Parent Zone offers lots of information about choices at 14, 16 and 18, along with FE, HE, Apprenticeships, Funding and Support.

Career Pilot Parent Zone

Target Careers

Target Careers offers a wealth of information and resources.

Target Careers

My World of Work

My World of Work help to explore over 600 job profiles.

My World of Work

Parental Guidance from the Careers Writers Association

Parental Guidance from the Careers Writers Association gives advice and information needed to support young people during their transition to adult working life.

Parental Guidance from the Careers Writers Association

National Apprenticeship Service

The National Apprenticeship Service offers a Parent’s Guide to Apprenticeships.

National Apprenticeship Service

Amazing Apprenticeships

The Apprenticeship Support & Knowledge for schools and colleges programme (ASK programme) is funded by the Department for Education and supports students, parents, carers, teachers and careers advisers at Harry Watts Academy to increase awareness of apprenticeships, traineeships and T Levels.

Amazing Apprenticeships - The ASK Programme

Amazing Apprenticeships Parents Resources

Amazing Apprenticeships - Presentation for Parents


iCould provide a range of good articles in one place that examines the range of choices available to young people at 16 and 18, these are specifically targeted at parents and carers.


The Parent Perspective

The Parent Perspective is a podcast series for parents and carers to help support children with careers advice and guidance, and to help parents and carers feel informed and confident in providing careers support:

The Parent Perspective Podcast