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Forming Friendships
At Harry Watts Academy both Staff and Students pride themselves on promoting kindness.
Due to this we have created a Forming Friendships Team of staff and students to further push this belief throughout the school.
We are working closely with Together for Children and their Anti-Bullying Charter, which we are adapting to suit the needs of the school, to work towards and obtain our Bronze Award. To do this we have put together various different protocols to ensure Harry Watts Academy remains a safe and happy space for pupils, who feel empowered to stand up for themselves and are confident in their ability to form friendships.
Pupils have a group of designated staff who are working on the Forming Friendships team, as an aid to challenge any behaviours that go against our beliefs. If for any reason you need to contact the Forming Friendships Team, the initial staff team will be Lauren Thubron (Lead based over both sites), Mel Howarth (split site), Jade-Louise Riley and Daniel Hudson (Harraton), Danielle Robinson, Lauren Cousins and Holly March (Redhouse).
Forming Friendships is an integral part of our pupil’s development and we are excited to establish our strategies over the coming months.
We are implementing a Buddy system, in which nominated children work as buddies. The buddies’ responsibility will be to look out for their peers, encourage inclusive play and to spread the word on what it takes to be a good friend.
We will be working with the Relationships Health and Sex Eductaion (RHSE) Team at Together for Children for this implementing workshops and advice stations etc. and arranging relationships, health and sex education for those students aged eight and above. It is an exciting opportunity for students to gain integral understanding and prepare them for adult hood.
We have lots of activities that will be happening throughout the year to contribute to the cause. We will be taking part in national Anti-Bullying Week and participating in some school wide strategies to aid our cause.
Our Forming Friendships motto is:
Our happy adventure will never end as long as we always have a friend!
Our Anti bullying Policy can be found under Key Information along with the referral form, both are available in printed format on either site.