Culture and Enrichment

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Culture and Enrichment Lead: Catherine Bhatti, Daniel Wonnacott, Matthew Pearson and Helen Thompson



Culture and Enrichment sessions focus on exploring themes and events through whole-class and whole-pathway sessions each week in the Engage pathway. Students accessing the engage pathway curriculum typically engage with these sessions through sensory exploration, songs and stories.

Activities based on the theme of each week are adapted by class teachers to suit the learning levels and needs of each pupil, ensuring each child has the opportunity to access Culture and Enrichment sessions at a range of levels.

Each pathway benefits from community link visits and trips, when appropriate links are made to the Culture and Enrichment objective of the week.


In the Explore pathway, pupils engage with weekly Culture and Enrichment sessions through creating art based representations, trying new foods, exploring key people from a range of cultures and exploring sessions as a whole class.

The theme of each weekly Culture and Enrichment session is introduced in Friday morning pathway assemblies, then explored in greater detail in the afternoon sessions as a class.

Each pathway benefits from community link visits and trips, when appropriate links are made to the Culture and Enrichment objective of the week.


In the Discover pathway, children are provided with the opportunity to experience the wider community as part of their Culture and Enrichment sessions. When accessing class-based Culture and Enrichment sessions, pupils within the Discover pathway explore a range of topics and themes linked to historic events, cultural celebrations and world events.

Pupils within the Discover pathway use a range of media to represent their learning within the Culture and Enrichment sessions, such as written work, drawing, art, taking photos or practical work within the wider community.


Subject Documents Date  
Culture and Enrichment Curriculum Map 03rd Jan 2023 Download
Culture and Enrichment Intent Implementation and Impact Statement 03rd Jan 2023 Download

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