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Computing Leads: Navpreet Kang and Holly Francis

Navpreet KangHolly Francis


Pupils within this pathway explore computing through a range of activities and resources that are embedded across the entire curriculum. Learners will have opportunities for hands on learning within the classroom environment at an appropriate developmental level for each individual child.

Pupils have the opportunity to learn and apply new skills within their environment, linked to the technology strand of the EYFS curriculum. Learners within this pathway have daily exposure to cause and effect toys and everyday technology such as interactive whiteboards, keyboards and iPad’s. This will enable learners to become familiar and confident with technology and help them develop the core skills needed to begin subject-specific learning.


Pupils within this pathway will follow a specialised scheme of work, whereby the lesson units includes a variety of activities to teach to pupils of this pathway. The activities are aimed to meet the needs of this pathway as both hands on tasks and computing skills are co-ordinated.

Pupils have the opportunity to learn and apply new skills. Pupils are also learnt through repetition to embed these skills and progression is identified within each half term unit. The strand of online safety is embedded across the computing curriculum, so pupils in this pathway become familiar with how to keep safe when dealing with technology.


Pupils within this pathway will be using the core skills of computing based around key skills and functions of common technology. Learners are at the stage where they can use advanced computing skills to create digital content within the multimedia strand and make cross-curricular links across various areas of the curriculum. Learners within this pathway have more exposure to social media and the online platform in general. This will enable learners to become familiar and confident with e-safety and how to keep safe online.

Subject Documents Date  
Computing Curriculum Map 03rd Jan 2023 Download
Computing Intent Implementation and Impact Statement 03rd Jan 2023 Download

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